Berry-licious: Your 101 Guide to Berries

Berry-licious: Your 101 Guide to Berries

Berries have to be amongst the most beloved healthy foods. Especially as a natural alternative to sugar, berries are a fan favorite. Not only do berries contain natural and healthy sweetness, but also have several other nutritional benefits. They are a rich source of antioxidants and vitamin C. They've shown cancer-fighting abilities, help prevent heart diseases, and even improve cognitive functions. 

Berries have also qualified as being ‘superfoods’, given their incredible benefits. In this blog, we will tell you everything there is to know about berries.

Types of berries

While there are a number of berries available out there, we will be covering some of the most common and easily available ones.


Blackberries are a rich source of an antioxidant, called polyphenol. Polyphenol has been directly linked to reducing inflammation, which in turn helps in warding-off heart ailments and certain cancers. Blackberries might even help in the easy breakdown of sugar in the intestines, helping in preventing the risk of type 2 diabetes.


Blueberries obtain their color from a compound called anthocyanins. Studies have suggested that these antioxidants help in boosting your immune system and in the prevention of heart disease, cancer, and dementia.


Coming to the most popular of all berries - strawberries. Strawberries are abundant in vitamin C, folate, antioxidants, and fibre. Consuming strawberries can help improve cognitive function, lower high cholesterol, and blood pressure levels, and manage blood sugar levels.


These delicious berries are often consumed in cases of UTIs. While cranberries can’t entirely treat UTIs, their regular consumption can help prevent contacting any in the future. 

Red Raspberries

Red raspberries have been used to treat stomach ailments and morning sickness since ancient times, 4 A.D., to be precise. Red raspberries are now known to help in protection against different cancers, and even illnesses related to the brain. We suggest consuming fresh raspberries, for no supplement can come close to the real deal. 

Benefits of consuming berries

Managing diabetes

What could be better than tackling diabetes with sweetness? Berries are rich in antioxidants and fiber. Doctors recommend having berries as a substitute for refined sugar. Some amazing additions could be raspberries and blackberries. These berries are high in fiber and low in glycemic index, which makes them a wonderful addition to your diet. Studies have shown that including berries in your diet can reduce the risk of developing diabetes by 12%. 

Helps in keeping your mind sharp

Studies have suggested that women who regularly consumed berries, especially strawberries, and blueberries, showed increased cognitive function as compared to those who didn’t include berries in their diet.

Preventing heart diseases

Including berries in your diet can help manage in promoting LDL cholesterol levels. Berries contain an antioxidant, known as flavonoids. Flavonoids are linked to anti-inflammatory properties, which in turn can help in reducing the risk of developing heart diseases. Adding berries to your diet can also help in managing high blood pressure, body mass index, and blood sugar levels.

Helps in boosting collagen

Vitamin C is associated with collagen production in the body. As the body ages, the body produces less and less collagen. This is where foods that aid in collagen production comes into play, berries being one of them. Hence, including berries in your diet can also help with anti-aging effects on your skin.

Final thoughts

Berries are nature’s offering to us as candy. The best part is they’re super healthy and beneficial, along with carrying tons of taste. Now that you’re aware of the berry-good qualities of these little flavour bombs, add them to your cereals and smoothie, or simply munch on them as a snack.